New This Week
December 12, 2024
Recover & Restore: Plants, Seed Mix, and Live Stakes
Supplies to get you started at Painters
In this long process of recovery, Painters is here to help out in the way we do best: providing you high quality plants (natives are our favorites!) and guidance as you go. Check out our latest blog on Starting the Process of Landscape Restoration.
For those ready to start looking ahead at replanting and revitalizing landscapes, as well as stream bank restoration, find a selection of items at Painters on Saturday December 14th to get you started: native potted shrubs and trees, native live stakes, and wildlife habitat seed mix for affordable habitat restoration.
Available Native Potted Shrubs and Trees
Scientific Name | Common Name | Variety | Size | Qty | Price |
Salix babylonica | Willow, Weeping | 8"T | 23 | 20.00 | |
Acer rubrum | Maple, Red | Brandywine | 2G | 18 | 28.00 |
Amorpha fruticosa | Indigo Bush | 1G | 43 | 14.00 | |
Betula nigra | Birch, River | 2G | 26 | 28.00 | |
Callicarpa americana | Beautyberry, American | 1G | 30 | 20.00 | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Buttonbush | 1G | 19 | 20.00 | |
Cornus sericea | Dogwood, Redtwig | 8"T | 101 | 18.00 | |
Fagus grandifolia | American Beech | 2G | 18 | 24.00 | |
Quercus shumardii | Oak, Shumard | 1G | 11 | 20.00 | |
Salix discolor | Willow, Pussy | 8"T | 16 | 20.00 | |
Spiraea tomentosa | Steeplebush | 1G | 19 | 20.00 | |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | Coralberry | 8"T | 29 | 18.00 | |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress | 1G | 27 | 22.00 | |
Aronia melanocarpa | Chokeberry, Black | Viking | 2G | 37 | 24.00 |
Sambucus canadensis | Elderberry | 1G | 60 | 18.00 |
Native Live Stakes
A selection of five native trees and shrubs suited to live-stake planting, chosen for their aptitude for erosion control and stream bank repair. Check out this Introduction to Live Staking to learn more.
Eastern Ninebark [Physocarpus opulifolius]
Native deciduous shrub (z3-7) full-part sun, 5-8' tall, 6-10’ wide
White blooms in summer, attractive bark in winter; provides excellent cover for wildlife
Thrives on streambanks and in moist thickets, tolerates a wide range of soil conditions
Elderberry [Sambucus canadensis]
Native deciduous shrub (z3-9) full-part sun, 5-12' tall and wide
Showy, fragrant white spring blooms lead to tasty black berries in late summer, great for wildlife
Thrives in a wide range of conditions, spreads by suckers; excellent for colonizing streambanks
Silky Dogwood [Cornus amomum]
Native deciduous shrub (z5-8) full sun-part shade, 6-12' tall and wide
Creamy white blooms early summer, blue berries in fall; excellent for wildlife
Aka swamp dogwood, thrives in moist to wet woodlands or alongside streams or ponds
Black Willow [Salix nigra]
Native deciduous tree (z4-9) full sun-part shade, 30-60' tall and wide
The largest of NC's willows, thrives in consistently wet soil; excellent for wildlife
Shallow, spreading roots are prone to invading pipes; avoid planting near structures
Silky Willow [Salix sericea]
Native deciduous shrub (z3-9) full sun-part shade, 6-12' tall and wide
Thrives in consistently wet soil of swamps and riverbanks; fast growing, excellent wildlife value
Showy and easy care; so named for the silky white hairs on its leaves' undersides
Wildlife Habitat Seed Mix
For those needing native restoration in areas of size, we are carrying Roundstone Wildlife Habitat Seeds. The diversity of seeds offers the highest chance of success in a variety of soil and moisture types. Plant after the first killing frost to let the natural over-wintering process open up the seed coats for higher germination in the spring.
Note: You may notice that there are a few plants in the mix that aren't native to our area; the company included them to aid with nitrogen fixation, wildlife forage, and erosion control. They have not been deemed a significant invasive in North Carolina.