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We offer a broad selection of vegetables, herbs, fruiting shrubs, and fruiting trees. You will find heirloom varieties as well as those bred for disease resistance, container gardening, and more. Each year we grow both classic and unique cultivars, focusing on varieties that are proven to grow well in our climate. Our herb selection, full of unusual varieties, is especially celebrated, particularly during our annual spring Herb Fest. We are committed to locate and purchase only non-GMO vegetable and herb varieties. In the rare case of pest or disease outbreaks on edibles, we use only organic-safe treatments.
Fall 2024 Perennial Edibles
Name | Variety | Scientific Name | Notes | Self-Fruitful |
Apple | Gala | Malus domestica | sweet and popular, keeps well | |
Apple | Pink Lady | Malus domestica | tart yet sweet, very popular flavor | |
Apple | Red Delicious | Malus domestica | disease resistant, high yielding, pollinates many others | |
Apricot | Early Golden | Prunus armeniaca | freestone and flavorful, good for baking, drying, or fresh eating | |
Blackberry | Natchez | Rubus x | ripens sooner than most other thornless varieties | |
Blackberry, Thornless | Chester | Rubus fruticosus | most winter-hardy of thornless varieties, tolerates heat/humidity, sweet fruit | Self Fruitful |
Blackberry, Thornless | Twilight | Rubus | bred for outstanding flavor, early-ripening, high-yielding | |
Blackberry, Thornless | Triple Crown | Rubus hybrid | large, firm and sweet berries, thornless and fast growing | Self Fruitful |
Blueberry, Lowbush | Tiny Blue | Vaccinium angustifolium | smaller and sweeter berry, petite spring blooms and attractive fall color | Self Fruitful |
Blueberry, Northern Highbush | Duke | Vaccinium hybrid | leading early cultivar, high yeild & tasty berries, pretty fall foliage | Self Fruitful |
Blueberry, Northern Highbush | Blueray | Vaccinium hybrid | handles both cold winters & hot summers, very large sweet midseason berries | Self Fruitful |
Blueberry, Northern Highbush | Sweetheart | Vaccinium hybrid | produces *two* crops each summer, self-fertile but add other varieties for improved yields
| Self Fruitful |
Blueberry, Northern Highbush | Bluegold | Vaccinium hybrid | heavy crops, excellent flavor, compact habit, midseason | Self Fruitful |
Blueberry, Rabbiteye | Climax | Vaccinium hybrid | heat resistant, high yielding, sweet & lightly spicy fruit | |
Blueberry, Rabbiteye | Premier | Vaccinium hybrid | large and flavorful berries mid to late spring | |
Cherry, Nanking | Prunus tomentosa | red fruits, varying from tart to sweet; excellent in pies and jams, & adored by birds | ||
Chestnut | Dunstan | Castanea dentata x mollissima | at only 3-5 years old, begins producing heavy annual crops of large, sweet-tasting nuts | |
Chokeberry, Black | Viking | Aronia melanocarpa | nutrient-rich berries are too tart to eat fresh but perfect for jams and juices | |
Crabapple | Robinson | Malus | good for making jellies and feeding the birds | |
Crabapple | Prairifire | Malus | disease resistant, easy to grow, good cross-pollinator for apple trees | |
Elderberry | Sambucus canadensis | native shrub, showy, fragrant white spring blooms lead to tasty black berries in late summer | ||
Fig | 'Chicago Hardy' | Ficus carica | abundant fruit, hardy variety, does well in NC | |
Fig | 'Celeste' | Ficus carica | high yielding; noted for its cold-hardiness but benefits from extra protection over winter | |
Hazelnut, American | Corylus americana | similar in flavor to the European hazelnut; plant two or more to ensure nut production | ||
Mulberry, Red | Morus rubra | sweet, juicy blackberry-like fruits are too delicate for commercial sale; a real homegrown treat! | ||
Paw Paw | Asimina triloba | beautiful native tree, unique blooms, needs a different cultivar/plant 3 ss | ||
Peach | Belle of Georgia | Prunus persica | white flesh, freestone, sweetly flavored; excellent for baking, canning, and fresh eating | |
Peach | Redhaven | Prunus persica | great flavor, vigorous, disease resistant | Self Fruitful |
Pear | Kieffer | Pyrus communis | flavorful, heavy yields, tolerates drought & flood, plant another pear for best production | |
Pear, Asian | Shinseiki | Pyrus | pretty, fragrant blooms in spring, heavy fruiting, pollinate w/any other pear | |
Pear, Asian | Shinko | Pyrus | sweet, juicy and very crisp, apple shaped fruit, pollinate w/any other pear | |
Pecan, Hardy | Carya illinoinensis | bears delicious thin-shelled nuts | ||
Persimmon, American | Diospyros virginiana | delicious when ripe, fantastic in cakes and puddings; leaves can also be used for tea | ||
Plum | Methley | Prunus salicina | great vigor & production, beauiful spring blooms | Self Fruitful |
Plum | Santa Rosa | Prunus salicina | sweet, firm fruit, beautiful habit and spring blooms | Self Fruitful |
Raspberry | Heritage | Rubus idaeus | everbearing cultivar, one of the most popular varieties grown worldwide | |
Raspberry | Royalty | Rubus x | extra-sweet, juicy berries; one of the most popular varieties grown worldwide | Self Fruitful |
Raspberry | Fall Gold | Rubus idaeus var. strigosus | large, sweet-tart yellow berries in spring & fall, thorned canes | Self Fruitful |
Raspberry | Caroline | Rubus idaeus | disease-resistant; prune spent canes after summer fruiting | |
Raspberry, Black | Munger | Rubus occidentalis | noted for its excellent flavor, nutritious fruits, higher in antioxidants than red raspberries | |
Sargent Crabapple | Malus sargentii | persistent, 1/3 inch red fruits attract birds and other wildlife | ||
Strawberry, June Bearing | Chandler | Fragaria x ananassa | last longer after picking, and production through spring into summer | Self Fruitful |
2024 Perennial Edibles
Fall 2024 Vegetables and Herbs |
Anise Hyssop |
Arugula 'Speedy' |
Basil ‘Devotion’ |
Broccoli 'Jacaranda' |
Brussels Sprout, Jade Cross |
Cabbage ‘Katarina’ |
Cabbage ‘Tiara’ |
Cabbage, Chinese ‘China Gold’ |
Cilantro 'Santo' |
Collards ‘Morris Heading’ |
Collards ‘Vates’ |
Common St. John's Wort (Medicinal) ‘Topas’ |
Eucalyptus 'Baby Blue' |
Kale ‘Winterbor’ |
Kale, Lacinato/Dinosaur ‘Toscano’ |
Kale, Russian/Siberian ‘Wild Garden Mix’ |
Kohlrabi ‘Konan’ |
Lavender 'Phenomenal ' |
Lettuce ‘Wildest Garden Mix’ |
Lettuce, Bibb 'Buttercrunch' |
Lettuce, Leaf 'Salad Bowl Green' |
Lettuce, Leaf Dark Red 'Lollo Rossa' |
Lovage |
Mustard Greens ‘Amara Ethiopian Kale’ |
Mustard Greens ‘Wasabina’ |
Mustard Greens, Mizuna-Type ‘Miz America’ |
Onion, Bunching/Scallion ‘Summer Island’ |
Parsley, Italian Flat-Leaf |
Rosemary 'Arp' |
Spinach, Savoy ‘Kookaburra’ |
Summer Squash (Short Season) ‘Dixie Yellow Crookneck’ |
Swiss Chard ‘Bright Lights’ |
Thyme, Lemon |
2024 Vegetables and Herbs
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